Inspired & Cleaner Living lisa wells Inspired & Cleaner Living lisa wells

Why I Care About Personal Care Products (and Why You Should, Too!)

As a former classroom teacher and teacher of teachers and yogis, I never thought of myself as a salesperson. A few years back I read Dan Pink’s book “To Sell is Human” where I learned we’re all selling something - an idea, our brand, our work, our love. Pink points out that teachers routinely work to persuade students to ask questions, process ideas, change behavior, and to move. Essentially, “educators are sellers of ideas.” Truth.

I now have people scratching their head and asking me, WHY am I consultant with Beautycounter and what the heck am I selling? I am continuing to sell - ideas. My primary goal in this work is to amplify Beautycounter’s mission to get safer products in the hands of everyone. That involves selling the idea that we need to bew scrutinizing and selecting safer products. (Of course, I’d love to sell your products if that’s what you’re looking for -that’s in part, how I earn my income). Companies and the FDA are not in the business of taking a critical look at the safety of products and transparency in labeling.

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