Transitions: They are backseat passengers, not drivers

NOTE: This post is all about transition and how bumpy they can be. All the transitions in my life meant this original post did not get posted as scheduled, so I am taking the liberty of doubling up here! Today’s post covers both parenting/education and thoughts on life’s purpose. Part of managing transitions is acceptance, and I’ve accepted I was over-scheduled last week. Stay with me for a longer than usual post, please, and I hope you find a little acceptance and grace with whatever transitions you face!

Phew - we got kids off out the door, off to school, off to college.

Now what?

In the schools I taught in, we took deliberate care to work through the first six weeks of school slowly - building community, learning routines, getting to know each other. The transition can be hard. It's uneven in the classroom, and it's bumpy at home.

Be aware of this universal fact about transitions. Know that once the kids are out the door, there is new work to be done and moving through this transition with acceptance and compassion (for others AND yourself) is key to getting this transition to smooth out into new routines.

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